Sam’s bilirubin level’s kept going up. Sunday it was at 14 (anything over 10 means her bilirubin, or jaundice) is not to good. Monday it went to 17.1 so they ordered the photo-therapy on Tuesday. We didn’t get it until 10pm at night and we were not sure how long she was supposed to be under the ‘blanket’ for it. We had another blood test today which was ordered *stat* so they got the results back in a few hours. After we had the blood test we put her under the blanket after instructions from the doctor. Apparently she is supposed to be under it whenever she was sleeping. She definitely does not like the blanket. It’s very uncomfortable. The office called with her levels a few hours later and it turned out to be 20.9 so we went to see the doctor for Sam at 4:15. Everything looks good except for the number of bilirubin in her. She is now ordered to be under the blanket at all times unless she is feeding.
We go back in tomorrow for another blood test. All they need to see is a small decline to know that things are under control. She is feeding a lot, pooping a lot (how it gets out of her system), her weight has gone up, and she is very active so there are no other concerns except for that number. We are expecting it to go down tomorrow but having her under that blanket is very sad. 🙁 If, for some reason it goes up, then the doctor said that would be ‘odd’ and we would definitely need to take some serious action.
It should go down though. 🙂 She is glowing right now from her blanket, the poor thing. We are making sure we are getting her up every 2 to 3 hours to feed rather then her letting us know she is hungry. She has been pretty good about wanting to eat though. I’m sure tonight I will be setting the alarm.
Everything else is good though. She is so sweet and good natured.
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